Sunday, April 11, 2010

The End is the Beginning...

After being out of work for 6 months, Steven has finally gotten a new job. It is with a very good company and is an opportunity that most people pray for for years but never get. He starts tomorrow. I know I am supposed to be happy, and I truly am, but I can't even begin to express how much I am going to miss having him here every day. Not only will I miss sleeping in and the constant help around the house, and with Carter, but just him being home. I truly enjoy being with him...even if we do have disagreements and such. What couple doesn't?? 

Before we got married, Steven and I took a class with our pastor. He didn't teach us how to get along every moment of every day, but how to fight fair. I really consider that the most valuable information we have ever gotten. From the outside, it probably looks like we are always in disagreement, but we fight fair and we love each other from the time we wake up until the time we close our eyes every night. I am very proud of the relationship we have and that we have stayed together through the good times and the bad since we were in high school.

The thing I will miss most every day is seeing how Steven and Carter have become best friends. They understand each other in ways that others probably never will. They have become inseparable this past 6 months...they play together, sing together, dance together, eat together, and sleep together. I see so much of Steven in his little boy...and I am so grateful for this time that they have had. I pray that I can fill that space for Carter and that he won't be too disappointed when he wakes up from his nap yelling "Dad!" and sees me come through the door. I hope that I can truly do this by myself...without my other half.


Erin said...

Will be thinking about you! Be strong you can do it :)

Stacemoe said...

Congratulations on the new job!!! Yeah!!!
I know you will miss him, but you will do just fine!! You are amazing!! Carter is blessed to have you as his mommy!! How have you been feeling?
Hope ya'll had a great weekend.

Your Hubby said...

You really don't need to make me cry like that... I love you more than you know, and more than any words could ever tell. You do not have to worry about supplementing me... because he loves his mommy very much. I love the both of you!!!