Saturday, April 17, 2010

My birthday? You're kidding!

So, yesterday was my birthday...although it sure didn't feel that way. I spent most of the day at the hospital. I guess with pregnancy, you never know where you'll end up on any given day.

Thursday evening, I got a call from my OB. He said that my urine culture from Monday grew the same bacteria as before and that I had to call Infectious Disease. He told me that the regular treatment was Cipro, which cannot be given to pregnant women. I would need to get IV antibiotics...most likely through a PICC line. Come again?!? I am so not cool with pain...especially not that kind of pain. I have heard that getting a PICC is one of the most painful procedures. So, after I broke down into tears, sobbing, I called Infectious Disease. I was able to talk to a doctor who told me that he would like to see me right away...the next birthday. I agreed and made the appointment. All of Thursday night was spent worrying about myself and Jackson. Were we going to be OK? What happens if we can't kill the bacteria? Can this be passed to Carter or Steven? Will the PICC line hurt? I was up all night. I finally fell asleep about 2 hours before it was time to wake up. I totally forgot it was my birthday. I was way too worried about my appointment. I got up, showered, and got Carter dressed and ready to go...I wanted him there if I was going to be in any pain because I knew I had to be strong so he wasn't scared. I also dragged my mom and my friend Mandy along for support. I may be 28 years old, but I always need people to hold my hand! 

We got to the hospital and Carter ran around the waiting room, chased by my mom, until we were called in. My entourage followed me and sat with me until the doctor that I had previously talked to came in. He was one of those people who's general demeanor just puts you at ease. He answered all of my questions before I even had to ask them. I am not sick, neither is Jackson. This is a totally normal infection that is simply tricky to treat during pregnancy. I cannot pass this to anyone. Most importantly, no PICC required!! He wished me a happy birthday and handed me a prescription for an oral antibiotic. It is a powder that you mix in water and take 2 days in a row. It is not 100% effective, so I will need to be tested again next week. I could still require an IV for antibiotics, but I will take it. It will stink because I will have to keep it in for 7 days, but I don't want this to cause any issues later in my pregnancy, so it has to be taken care of now. I need lots of prayer that this horrible tasting oral antibiotic works well.

After the appointment ended and I could breathe again, Mandy treated us to my birthday lunch. Of all places, I chose the hospital cafeteria! This is the same hospital I rehabbed in for 2 months after my accident and where I spent 10 days living when I had Carter...not to mention his 15 day NICU stay. Their food is great and I have lots of good (and bad) memories from there. It was a great birthday lunch!

We came home just as Steven was arriving from work. He's the best husband ever, so he made me some cupcakes then we cleaned up the house and started getting ready for my cousin's 21st birthday party. Her birthday was this past Tuesday. We had a really good time with my family at Red Robin. The food was great!! I had never been there before, but I will definitely be going back! 

We got home just in time for bed. I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, so I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow...and that was my birthday!

Carter did give me a present 2 days early...he peed on the potty! We are so proud of him!! Although he is still peeing in his diaper, he has gone on the potty almost every time we've put him on. I just can't believe how fast he is growing...I wish I could slow it down just a little!!


Stacemoe said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!
Praying the Oral antibiotics do the trick! Glad you have a wonderful support team around you.
Way to go Carter for going on the big boy potty and yes, it all goes by too quickly! Hope you have a great, uneventful weekend!

joy smith said...

Happy Birthday!!!
THis is the first time I have been on your blog.
I had a little girl 6 weeks early we were in the hospital for 8 weeks.