Friday, February 12, 2010


There is no other word for the way I have been feeling lately. It seems as though I really haven't been doing much of anything...but I am just so tired. I can't sleep at night, but my eyes are heavy all day. Last night, I went out to celebrate one of my very best friend's birthday. I was out until close to midnight. I normally wouldn't go out late like that, but it was a special circumstance. I did have a little bit of caffeine, which I have had none of since finding out I was pregnant. That little bit had me wide awake until 6am. I finally managed to fall asleep, and I woke up less than 4 hours later. Steven and Carter were awake, which made me feel like I should be, too. So, I dragged myself out of bed. Steven saw me and said, "Why are you awake? Go back to bed." I just couldn't. I was still tired, but my brain just wouldn't let me sleep. Steven made me the most gigantic pancakes I had ever seen, and my day had begun. I have been exhausted ever since.

Carter just went to bed, and Steven and his brother are playing Wii, so I am going to try to go to bed and get some rest. Fingers crossed that I get a full night's sleep.

Here are a few pics of Carter being the perfect little model monster I have created!! I took them with my new 35mm is by far my new fave!!



Tara said...

I totally sympathize with the tired.

alisa said...

This might sound strange, but I had a similar experience with my first pregnancy. I was mind-numbingly exhausted but couldn't stay asleep (or someimes even fall asleep). I was sleeping an average of 2-4 hours a night until week 11, when I was suddenl able to sleep like a normal person. Napping just wouldn't happen. It was bizarre. I made a deal with the devil that if I ever managed to get and stay pregnan again, I'd take double the nausea to get rid of the insomnia. Strangely, that's about how it worked out and I couldn't get through a day without sickness until I was almost 20 weeks. My first was a girl and my second was a boy ;)