Thursday, June 28, 2012

Vacation and Potty Training

Steven had off last weekend, so we made a quick trip to visit our family in New York. My brother's girlfriend's baby shower was Saturday...and I was so glad I got to go. We got in on Friday night and immediately went to visit some friends. After we did that, we went for drinks with Steven's cousin Angie, who my kids refer to as "Bange". We decided that we would try to hang with the younger crowd and stayed out until sunrise. That made for quite an interesting day on Saturday. We were exhausted!! After the baby shower, we had dinner with my brothers-in-law, father-in-law, and sister-in-law (who just happens to be my BFFE!!). Sunday we spent the day by the pool and then made a stop at my dad's before heading home. It was a nice trip, but it was way too short.

Brookie lounging in the pool.

My little froggie.

Daddy pushing the princess around in the water.

...and I had absolutely no idea what was going on around me.

We got home Sunday night and went straight to bed. Monday morning, Brooklyn woke up and decided to be potty trained. No, I'm not exaggerating. We decided after the struggle we had with Carter that we were not going to push potty training of any kind on Brooklyn. We figured she would let us know when she was ready. Well, she sure did! She still wakes up wet in the morning, so she's in diapers at night, but she wears undies all day and has only had 1 accident all week. I have to say, I'm a pretty proud mommy!!

Yesterday, we went and traded Steven's car in for a new (well, new-to-us) truck. He has wanted one forever, but we have never been able to afford it. He has been working his butt off, so its about time he had something of his own to show for it. I couldn't be happier for him. I am so thankful for everything he has had to give up in the past to care for feels good to know that he's finally able to do something for himself.

As always, I'm feeling blessed beyond measure with this family of mine! It gets better with every passing day.

Best Friends!!

(I had some time to make a new layout today while the kids were napping. Like?)


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