Saturday, June 30, 2012
A day in the life...3 years later.
I have come a long way since Carter was a baby. In January of 2009, I blogged this post...about a day in my life as a disabled mother. I was thinking about the things I refused to even try back then and the lack of credit I gave myself by not even attempting. All I can do is throw my head back and laugh at how I could never get away with that now.
So, here is my new and revised "A day in the life"...
I still get up when Steven leaves for work at 6 a.m. because I like to use my morning time wisely. Instead of him helping me to the couch, I go directly to my wheelchair. Sometimes I watch TV or read while drinking my mandatory minimum of 1 cup of coffee. I no longer have a nurse, so there's nobody to help me in the morning. I try to be quiet so the kids can sleep. Carter usually strolls out around 7 o' clock and we cuddle for awhile before I get his breakfast. Brookie follows him around 7:30ish. I get her from her crib, take off her nighttime diaper, let her pee, then change her out of her jammies and get her underwear/day clothes on. While she is eating breakfast, I usually change Carter's clothes, unless he says he wants to stay in pajamas. We watch TV or play until I start lunch at about 11:30. After lunch, Brookie goes potty and I put her in a Pull-up for nap time. She goes in first, I tuck her in, then I bring Carter to his room and get him settled for nap.
Nap time is when I really get to work. As soon as I'm sure they're asleep, I throw in laundry, pick up toys, load the dishwasher, and do any other housework that needs to be done. In the rare event that I have time left before they wake up, I try catching up on DVRed shows or I get on Facebook and nose around in everyone else's business. 50% of the time, the kids wake up before 2:45, which is when Steven gets home.
When he walks in, he takes a shower, gets dressed, and I sometimes use that time to shower myself before we run any errands that we need to get done...since I can't get out of the house by myself without help. If our agenda is clear, we go outside and hang out until dinner. Steven is an amazing cook, so he is in charge of that. After dinner, he takes the kids and gets them in the tub while I clear the table/counters/load the dishwasher. I hurry up and get their pajamas together so he has them ready after their bath. When they are done, they play for awhile and wind down before we take them in to brush their teeth...then they go to bed.
Once the kids are in bed, I finish any cleaning or laundry that is still in progress. I usually sit in the living room and watch TV or read before heading to bed. Then its off to sleep...and it starts all over in the morning.
I can't believe I ever got by doing less than I do now. How is this place even still standing? I look back and can't help but have a sense of pride at how far I have come and all of the new things I have had to throw myself into being a wife and mother of 2. Its never easy...but they are my motivation. There are still some things I can't do and wish I could, but that list is a lot shorter than it was 3 years ago...and my goal is to one day eliminate it completely. Until then, I will continue to do as best as I can with what I have been given. I have a lot to be thankful for.

Thursday, June 28, 2012
Vacation and Potty Training
Steven had off last weekend, so we made a quick trip to visit our family in New York. My brother's girlfriend's baby shower was Saturday...and I was so glad I got to go. We got in on Friday night and immediately went to visit some friends. After we did that, we went for drinks with Steven's cousin Angie, who my kids refer to as "Bange". We decided that we would try to hang with the younger crowd and stayed out until sunrise. That made for quite an interesting day on Saturday. We were exhausted!! After the baby shower, we had dinner with my brothers-in-law, father-in-law, and sister-in-law (who just happens to be my BFFE!!). Sunday we spent the day by the pool and then made a stop at my dad's before heading home. It was a nice trip, but it was way too short.
Brookie lounging in the pool.
My little froggie.
Daddy pushing the princess around in the water.
...and I had absolutely no idea what was going on around me.
We got home Sunday night and went straight to bed. Monday morning, Brooklyn woke up and decided to be potty trained. No, I'm not exaggerating. We decided after the struggle we had with Carter that we were not going to push potty training of any kind on Brooklyn. We figured she would let us know when she was ready. Well, she sure did! She still wakes up wet in the morning, so she's in diapers at night, but she wears undies all day and has only had 1 accident all week. I have to say, I'm a pretty proud mommy!!
Yesterday, we went and traded Steven's car in for a new (well, new-to-us) truck. He has wanted one forever, but we have never been able to afford it. He has been working his butt off, so its about time he had something of his own to show for it. I couldn't be happier for him. I am so thankful for everything he has had to give up in the past to care for me...it feels good to know that he's finally able to do something for himself.
As always, I'm feeling blessed beyond measure with this family of mine! It gets better with every passing day.
Best Friends!!
(I had some time to make a new layout today while the kids were napping. Like?)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
What We've Been Up To...
Wow! Its been 3 months since my last post! That is awful!! But its been a good reflection of how much free time I have these days! Steven started a new job and I decided to try being a Stay-at-Home Mom by myself. Since my car accident in 1999 (which left me paralyzed, for those of you who don't know.), I have had someone caring for me at all times. After my last nurse left in January, while Steven was unemployed, I decided to forgo in-home health care. I just don't feel like I need it. Yes, I am in a wheelchair. Yes, my finger dexterity is extremely limited. But I haven't let my disability hold me back from much...this is no different. If you had told me 2 years ago that I would be caring for 2 young children all day, by myself, while running a household, with no nurse...I wouldn't have believed you. I guess thats what makes me feel so good. They're my children. I should be the one caring for them. I haven't felt this independent and free for a very long time. And I enjoy every moment I have with my beautiful children.
Carter is now 3 1/2 and is Daddy's boy through and through. They look alike, they talk alike, they walk alike. He loves fishing and going outside. The "treacherous threes" are in full swing! One minute, he's sitting watching his favorite show, Team Umizoomi...the next minute he's running around at full speed, screaming, chasing the dog. He loves making funny faces and always tries to make everybody laugh. He has really been the man of the house while daddy is at work. He is always taking care of his sister and making sure mommy has enough cuddles. He brightens my world every day.
Miss Brooklyn is a mini-mama. I couldn't have pre-ordered a more perfect baby. She is the daughter I dreamed about when I was a little girl. She's girly, dramatic, and loves everything I love. She has continued doing her pageants, which is fun for us both. The most fun we have is practicing her routines. She loves doing it! Most of the time, she ends up forgetting everything on stage, but we have so much fun practicing for it! These days, Brookie is a major chatterbox. She says way more than she should at her age. Yesterday, she told me "Mommy. I want ketchup." I said "OK...with what?" She goes "Ketchup with french fries." She definitely knows what she wants. My beautiful little diva.
So, that's what we've been up to! I will try to post more. I do love blogging. Its a great outlet...that's why I started to begin with. I may take long breaks, but I will never stay away!

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