Monday, March 15, 2010

A Big Decision.

Today wasn't a great day. It started out OK...Carter slept in until 11am, I woke up with no signs of morning sickness, and Steven cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom. The makings of a wonderful Sunday.

Until I checked my voicemail...

"Hey Candi. It's mom. I assume you are drowning your sorrows in [Caffeine-Free] Coca-Cola right now since Brady Quinn was traded to Denver. Just checking to see how you're dealing with it. I get off of work at 8, so I'll talk to you then. Love you. Bye."


I had accidentally left my phone in the bedroom and had missed this call from my mom as well as about 10 texts from friends telling me of this awful news. It is no secret that I have a bit of a "thing" for Brady Quinn. Not to mention I think he is a great talent that wasn't given the proper attention, teaching, or confidence right off of the bat. He deserved a team and coaches that believed in him...and the Browns never gave him that. Very sad and not fair. So...needless to say, I have a big decision to make and only 6 months to do it...

What is a girl to do??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I say you like niether team and you start cheering for The BEST team ever.... Pittsburgh Steelers!!!

Thats what I would do