Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas Memories.

I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year's. We spent Christmas morning at home, ate an early dinner, then headed to NY for the weekend. We spent the 1st night with my mother-in-law and the 2nd night with my dad. It was a really nice holiday...lots of great memories were made. Just another reminder of how truly blessed I am.

Christmas Eve 



Cookies & Milk for Santa. Carrots for Reindeer. 

Daddy reading "The Night Before Christmas". 

Christmas Morning 

Steven and I were able to get out alone on New Year's Eve. It was very fun...although I had fallen asleep (or passed it what you will.) and had to be woken up for the ball drop. 

Yesterday we spent the day at home, cleaning up after such a crazy week. I threw my brand new cell phone in the washer. It got caught up in some jeans when I was throwing a load in and it took me 10 minutes to realize that it wasn't in any of its usual places. I filed an insurance claim around 7pm and it got an email before I woke up that said a replacement had been shipped. It should be here tomorrow. I am dying without it. My beloved HTC Evo...come baaaaaaaaackkkkkkk!

Today we are watching football, finishing up around the house, and hitting the grocery store with both kids because we are insane. I would wait, but we really need to fill up the cupboards. Pray for us, LOL!

1 comment:

Stacemoe said...

Hope the grocery shopping went well!!! :)
Sounds like ya'll had a fun christmas/New Year!! Glad you were able to be with family...the kids are precious as always. Brooklyn is getting so big!