Monday, May 27, 2013

They Think We're Just Fishin'

It almost feels like summer here in Northeast Ohio! We've been spending a lot of time outside. Steven is working 7 days a week now, so we have to get up early to enjoy our days before he heads off at 1:45. Luckily, we live pretty close to 2 different parks where fishing is allowed, so we've been doing that a lot. We've also been playing outside at our house and eating at our new patio table as much as we possibly can. I know we are making memories that will last a lifetime!

(My mom surprised them with a new car, which Carter
is too big for, but insists on driving anyway!)

Steven has been hard at work preparing the yard and deck for his family who is visiting us from NY in 3 weeks. We went and bought a much needed Pressure Washer and a Leaf Blower from Lowes. He has our back deck looking brand new! My mom gave us a brand new, super nice patio set and we put the kid's water table back out so we can play! Now we have the hardest part ahead of us...weeding and making our front walkway look pretty. Its a mess! Then we will buy a new grill (we had to toss our old one.) so we can enjoy!

Here are a few more photos from our outdoor (and indoor) adventures...

And the Father-of-the-Year Award goes to...

Yesterday was the 14th anniversary of my car accident. I have been in a wheelchair for almost a decade and a half. Honestly, it doesn't seem like that long. Life just goes by so fast...especially once you have children. I wish I could go back to when they were little and enjoy it all over again! Anyway, I'm thankful for every day I have been given and I certainly don't take anything for granted. I know all too well how quickly it can all be taken away. It sounds cheesy, but we really do have to live every day as it is our last...because today is almost over and tomorrow isn't promised.

I hope you all have a fun and safe Memorial Day. God bless all of the men and women who served and are still serving.

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