Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wishing Summer Would Never End

We have been making the most of this beautiful weather and spending a lot of time outside. Steven just got off of night shift for 2 weeks, which was very difficult. I did my best and had a good amount of help from my mom, but I am certainly happy to have a break from it! He had the weekend off and goes back on days tomorrow.

We had a very very unfortunate mishap the other night. I was doing some birthday party projects on my MacBook Pro and Carter kept getting up giving me all sorts of excuses to why he couldn't go to sleep. He started to climb my wheelchair and went to grab my glass of juice that was sitting next to my laptop on the counter...over it went. I immediately dried the computer off and flipped it over, but the damage was done. It is completely fried. I lost everything. I am in the process of purchasing a new one, but I am searching for the best price. My mom let me borrow her MacBook Pro for the weekend.

Anyway, back to the summer fun! My mother-in-law and the kids' Godmother came to visit from NY for the weekend. Grandma brought the kids a water/sand table and some other goodies. Godmother "Diz" bought them a pool while they were here. We had such a fun time. We played, relaxed, and cooked out the last 2 days. They had to go back home today, but we will be making a trip up there in 2 weeks for Steven's birthday, so we have that to look forward to.

Here are some pictures from our fun weekend!!


1 comment:

Trish said...

It's been soooooo long since I've commented, so I'm going to catch up!

I love all the pictures of the kids. They are getting too big too fast. I wish I could slow time down for my own kids!

Sorry to hear about your computer! Losing everything on our computer would devastate me! I hope there was nothing on it that can't be re-created, or replaced. We have an external hard drive where we keep all our pictures, just in case something ever happens to our desktop.