Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I thought a boyish theme was in order! About time?? I agree! Now my blog kinda looks like a present!

Carter's nightstand came today. It is cute. Its just a plain-jane white table with a drawer, which I filled with burp cloths. I was excited to finally take the lamp out of the package and put it up!! So cute! Only a week and a half until my big NY baby showers...then his room will be done! I am sooo excited!! Hopefully, my contractions stay away or I won't be going anywhere.

I had my breastfeeding class today. I kinda didn't really learn anything new. I have been trying to read about it and get down the basics, but honestly I feel like breastfeeding is something you need the baby to do. Who knows how he will react to it? Anyway, I did get a little bit of good info, so I'm glad I went. Carter was flipping over through the whole class, so every 5 minutes I was a different shape! He enjoys making me look lopsided. Hopefully, he will do it tonight so I can take pictures. I think it is creepy...but its funny. Sometimes I literally look like I am flat on one side! Little stinker!! Anyway, I will post 30 week pics sometime within the next day or 2.

I finally found and filled out my birth plan from Just another item I can check off my list! It is safely tucked into my hospital bag! OK, time to get stuff done before Private Practice. Hope everyone had a good hump day!!


HereWeGoAJen said...

Very cute new theme for your blog!

sara said...

Love the new look! Did you use the link that you have at the top left corner of your home page? I would love to do a new look as well. I DVRed Private Practice and I think I'm going to watch it right now :-) I'm glad you got some more stuff for the room, a birth plan you like, and got to go to the breastfeeding class. You are going to be all set - and I had a talk with those contractions of yours and I told them that they better leave you the heck alone otherwise I was going to have to come kick their butt, LOL!

Lisa said...

I love the background!! Little Carter will be here before you know it. I love the u/s pic at the top of your blog. His little hand is just precious...looks like he was trying to wave to you. I constantly had feet in every u/s of Cameron. Best of luck with breastfeeding. Cameron would never take to me so I pumped for 4 months and then it just became too much and I felt like I was missing out. I was pumping every single time he wanted to eat so I never really got to feed him...anyway, it could work for you and I hope it does. That is also pretty funny about your belly... every now and again, I look at mine and think it looks lop sided even though I am no longer pregnant (hahaha).

Tina said...

You are so organized, you should be very proud of yourself.

great new layout.