Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I feel like crap...thank God!!

Yes! I have felt sick on and off all day! That just sounds weird...sorry...never been pregnant before! Anyway, I think I am getting fatter. I haven't touched regular jeans since I was on stims, but I just look bigger. Maybe it is due to the change in my diet. I used to eat a couple times a day...lucky if one of those times was actually a meal. If it was, it was an Extra Value Meal from BK. Now, I am eating a ton. It is all healthier food and absolutely no caffeine (very proud of myself), but it is still more food. My main craving has been tomato juice...strange! But hey, it's good for me and the "babies"!

I used a Chinese Gender Prediction Calendar today and it says it's a girl! Yayyyy!! I hope it is right. I mean, if it's a boy, I will still be so thankful and happy, but I have always dreamed of having a girl. I guess we will know in about 14 more weeks. That seems so far away!!

Baby Gender Predictor
Baby Gender Predictor

Monday, April 28, 2008

Home, sweet, home!

We're back!! We left late last night and didn't get home until 3:30am. I drove the entire way because Steven had to sleep. He had to be to work at 8:00 this morning. He folded down the 2nd and 3rd row seats in my Escalade and he and Bianca fell asleep watching Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium...while Bailey and I manned the front seats. Let me rephrase that...I manned, Bailey slept in my purse!! The only thing that kept me awake was thinking about my babies and how everything is going to happen. (I will continue to refer to them as babies until my ultrasound...last I knew, there were 2 embryos in there.) I am a dork, but I enjoy thinking about pregnancy, delivery, bringing them home, what they will look like, etc. This is my very 1st pregnancy, so it is all so exciting!!

When I got home, my package from motherhood.com was on the counter!! The jeans are sooooo cute and...drum roll...they fit!! Yesssssssss!! LOL, actually the plain pair might be "2nd trimester" jeans. They have a bulky section below the waistband for a bump. I have a bump, but it isn't very big. But the other pair...so cute!! They are very hip and fun. My shirt is also very cute. It is gray and has puffy sleeves. I think I'm just excited because maternity clothes are either cheap and ugly or expensive and cute...mine were cheap and they're cute!! Every one of you should hurry up and hit motherhood.com before the sale is over!!

I am a little worried today. Steven and my mom are both telling me that everything is just fine, but I can't help it...I haven't been sick at all today. Its pretty much the first uneventful day I've had since before my embryo transfer. My mom thinks my body is adjusting to the pregnancy because that is what happened to her. I'm sure she is right, but I really can't stop myself from worrying whether or not the babies are doing OK. I like feeling sick...it makes me feel pregnant.

Anyway, my mom and I are going to watch Enchanted and then it is soooooo bedtime! At least my fatigue is still a great reminder for me!! I will attempt to post a few photos from the trip tomorrow. I forgot my camera, so I am waiting for my dad to email the photos he took. So, I'll post them as soon as I get them. Later!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Huh?! Sorry...didn't hear ya!

I am having ear issues. When I woke up yesterday, my left ear was completely clogged. Couldn't hear a thing. I don't really use Q-tips because they are bad for you and you are supposed to have some earwax, but I cleaned it out and I got nothing. Steven suggested putting a hot washcloth on it. It popped a little, but I was still not hearing well. My mom gets swimmer's ear, so she gave me some of the ear drops she uses. At first, it seemed like it was working...but didn't fully unclog. So now I am on to peroxide. My mom just ran to the drugstore for me. I really hope it works...this is frickin annoying!

I am packing right now. Steven and I are going to NY for the weekend. My little brother just got home (thank you Jesus!) from Iraq. I haven't seen him since my wedding in November of 2006. I miss him so much and can't wait to see him!! He is staying at my dad's, who I just adore. We have a blast together...never a dull moment!! He breeds boxers and that's where Bianca came from. She was last year's Christmas present to me and Steven. He has both the mom & dad, so Bianca will get to play with them. She has done a lot of growing since we saw them in January, so I'm sure they will all be so surprised!

Steven's mom also lives in NY and I just absolutely love visiting with her...and the rest of his family. Luckily, I do not have "monster-in-law" problems. I think of her as a 2nd mom and enjoy hanging out with her! She is a very faithful Christian, as I am, and I know I can go to her with any problems or questions I have and she will sincerely help me. I consider myself to be very, very blessed.

My mom is cooking us a nice, full-balanced meal before we go...otherwise it's McDonald's for the hungry pregnant lady!! Bailey, Bianca, and I are packed...Steven, of course is waiting until last minute! So, hopefully we will be on the road by 6pm, and be to my mother-in-law's by 11:30ish. That will give us the full day to spend with my brother tomorrow. We will probably split Saturday between the families. Sunday I am singing in church then we will hang with his family. Hopefully, we will head home Sunday around 5pm.

So, I may not be around for a few days, but I will be sure to update with pictures on Monday. Hopefully, I can have a weekend without morning sickness so I can enjoy my family! Have a good weekend!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Beta #3...woot woot!

Beta #3 (20dp3dt) 2,634!! I am 100% reassured now and will not be returning to that lab anytime soon!! The blood testing is officially over!!! I am very curious about how many babies we've got in there!! I will be totally happy with 1, but I can't help but secretly wish for twins! With my disability, I know it would be a challenge, but God never gives us more than we can handle. I have faith in Him that He will do what is best for me and Steven.

I wasn't sick at all today!! I went shopping at Motherhood. Their jeans and sweaters are on clearance. They gave me a gift bag with Curel Pregnancy and Motherhood lotion, A Playtex Drop-ins bottle, and J&J baby lotion...along with lots of useful coupons!! Being pregnant is so cool!! I love free stuff!

My BFF and I went to a matinee today. We saw "Prom Night". I was alright, but nothing I'd watch again. It was one of those slow starters! We are counting the days until "Baby Mama" comes out. It looks too funny and might be educational...or maybe not!!

So, I am off to eat dinner and rest. It has been a pretty eventful and exciting day. I'm whooped and ready to lay down with my puppies and watch a movie!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Mo' pregnant, mo' problems.

I am grateful for every day that I'm pregnant...but I can tell this isn't going to be easy. I have been terribly nauseated, exhausted, bloated, and now we can add night sweats to the list. I've tried everything. I've slept naked, used no blankets, put ice packs on and around my head...still sweating buckets! I have to keep a towel next to me in bed to wipe the sweat off every 10 minutes or so. I have been having trouble sleeping because it feels disgusting to be drenched. This morning, I was so tired, but all I could think about is getting in the shower. I got up too fast and ended up sick and dizzy in the shower. I think it is the estrogen patches that are making me sweat at night. I called the RE and he said I can stop them as soon as we see a heartbeat. Thank God!! Only 2 more weeks of this insanity!

I also asked about beta #3. He said because beta #2 was so high, it isn't necessary to do another one. He said, however, if I would like to go in and have a 3rd for peace of mind, he would send the order to the lab. The needlephobic in me almost said no...but then the mommy in me punched her in her needle-hatin' face! So...beta #3 is tomorrow!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Somebody shrunk my pants...all of them!

OK, at 5w2d, my pants don't fit. I have a pair of size small maternity jeans from Old Navy...well, they barely fit. Thank God I grabbed the wrong size jeans at JC Penny about 2 months ago. I keep having to wear...wash...wear them. Motherhood.com has some pretty good deals, so I got 2 pairs of jeans and a shirt. So, 3-7 more business days in these jeans, LOL!

Nothing else new...but I was never given a date for a 3rd beta. As much as I don't like having blood sucked from my arms, I am going to call tomorrow to make sure the Dr. didn't want me to go again. Hopefully, he says yes. I would definitely like the reassurance so I don't have to sweat it out until May 5th.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Beta #2...kicked its butt!

I had my 2nd beta today. I was told that they like to see the numbers double every 2 days. My 1st beta was 207...my 2nd was 620!!! I am so excited to be exceeding everybody's expectations! It makes me feel a little safer. I've spent a lot of time worrying about miscarriage and all the things that could go wrong. Seeing numbers like this make me feel like I can relax a little bit. I won't relax fully until my 1st ultrasound on May 5th. I can't wait to see the heartbeat(s)!!

My morning sickness is very annoying. I am not throwing up, but I feel nauseous pretty much all day long. I really hope it goes away soon so I can enjoy some of my first trimester!

I bought "Belly Laughs" by Jenny McCarthy today. It is so cute!! It is a tongue-in-cheek look at pregnancy...no bull!! It's kinda scary, but at least I'll be prepared for the good, the bad, and the ugly!! I have read quite a bit...I definitely recommend it!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Happy birthday to me!! I got the call right after I got my sassy new haircut! She said the beta was nice and high...but I was so excited that I forgot to ask! I called back and it is 207!!! Yayyyyy!!!! Praise God for this true miracle!! Beta #2 is Friday, 4/18.

This is how I told Steven...I totally plastered his car in his work parking lot! I also put an "I Love Daddy" bib on the rear view mirror!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I am almost convinced!

I tested today...I have been every day since Friday. I was very worried because the lines were there, but not getting much darker. Today's test was much more convincing. The line is darker, thicker, and was there within 10 seconds!

I feel much better now!! Can't wait for my beta (and my birthday) tomorrow!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Morning sickness?? (gag!)

OK, I may have experienced my first bout with morning sickness this morning. I got that yucky spit feeling in my mouth, and when I swallowed, I started dry heaving. Thank God nothing came out! As curious as I was about what morning sickness felt like, I am over it. Thanks for the experience...but BYE!

I got another positive HPT this morning! I am done obsessing about the darkness or lightness of the line because my cheap-o's suck! If I wasn't so cheap, I'd buy a digital. I will just use another cheap-o tomorrow then get the beta on Wednesday. Happy birthday to me!! This is honestly my first birthday miracle!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

More worried than relieved.

OK, I caved. I took a home pregnancy test last night. Now, before I tell you the results...I know that anything is possible. Yes could mean no, no could mean yes. The real confirmation will be a nice high beta number.

With that said, the test was positive. I tested last night at 9:30pm and got a light line. I tested again this morning around 9:45am. It was still positive, but if you ask me, it was a tiny bit lighter. It has been over 2 weeks since my trigger, so I'd say it is gone. I know I can't expect a much darker line, seeing as how it was only 12 hours between the two. So, yeah...I guess it looks good!

I am staying optimistic, but am trying to be realistic as well. False positives happen all the time. I will feel so much better after my beta on Wednesday! Thank you all for your prayers...please keep them coming! God is being very good to me!

DUH! I almost forgot something very important!! We got a letter yesterday saying that we have 7 frozen embryos!! I couldn't be happier!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Keeping my mind off the test...

I have seen this on a few other sites and thought it would be fun. So, here's my little Flikr Fun survey!

My name is...


My relationship status is...


My favorite color is...


My celebrity crush is...


My favorite princess is...


My favorite adult beverage is...


My dream vacation is...


When I grow up, I want to be...


You knew I couldn't stop thinking about it for too long!

Friday, April 11, 2008

To pee or not to pee...

OMFG! This is ridiculous!! I am 9dp3dt and I may die before the 2ww is over. I have been crampy and feeling twinges of nausea here and there, but of course there are no telltale signs of pregnancy. And, I still haven't received my HPT's from eBay yet. Go figure.

This just solidifies what I have thought all along. God wants to give me this as a birthday present. What other explanation to all of this could there be? First, AF came on it's own for the 1st time in 6 years at the perfect time...I was only on stims for 7 days, my embryos developed wonderfully, just in time for a 3 day transfer...and my beta just happened to fall on my birthday. For some odd reason, I have felt such peace throughout this entire cycle. I really believe that God chose me to work this miracle on.

So, I will continue to fight the urge to test as I await my beta on Wednesday. Please pray for my strength. This truly has been the hardest part of the IVF experience for me.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

In the 1 week wait...

OK, 1 week down...1 to go! I am officially 7dp3dt and I am so relieved to be at the halfway point! I am feeling pretty good. Last night, I started feeling very AF'y. That is good though...because those feelings are also symptoms of pregnancy...besides, AF isn't due for another week. I am 100% optimistic!

Steven and I have been trying to keep busy. We have painted our living room, kitchen, and hallway...now we are on to the dining room! Yesterday, my mom got us a new mailbox (early birthday present) because ours got hit by a snowplow and was looking pretty rough! So, we went to Lowe's and picked out a new one and I sat with Steven while he put it up. Next on our list: a screen door! It is so nice outside and we don't have the opportunity to open the door to let in the beautiful weather. So, I picked out a new screen door at Lowe's and hope to get it for my birthday!!

OK, I am off to give my Pomeranian, Bailey, a bath. Still waiting on those HPT's from eBay. Maybe they will be in our new mailbox today!! I still haven't decided whether or not I will use them...I'm leaning towards not POASing, but who knows? This 2ww is unpredictable!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

What? I thought the hard part was over!

Why is it that everything post-ET is harder? You'd think that all the stuff we did to prepare the embryos would be the worst of it. You have the money issues, daily fetility drugs, hormonal outbursts (which I think I handled OK), retrieval, waiting, transfer, waiting...you get the point. I mean, IVF is just stressful anyway, but I kind of expected Steven and I to be able to stay calm during the 2ww. For some reason, that isn't happening. I am praying that we can relax and give these babies a fighting chance of sticking in there.

I am naughty. I bought a 5 pack of Early Detection Pregnancy Tests off of eBay today. They won't be here for a few days...and if I decide to test at home, I am going to hold off until at least 9dp3dt. Right now, I am 4dp3dt. So, maybe over the weekend I will decide. Outsiders are all saying "no...wait". As much as I am going to try, I am weak!! We'll see!

Friday, April 4, 2008

What IS that smell?

It could be me...I am afraid to get up. That means that I have not showered in 3 days! I think I might be starting to smell, LOL! Steven hasn't said anything yet, so I'm probably good. But then again, his only words to me for the past 3 days have been "How are you? How are the babies??" Its not that he is talking to me less...just that he is asking me the same question over and over! It is actually very cute. He even calls from work to ask about them. It makes me feel less stressed knowing that he is taking some of the worry load off of me! I'm a lucky, lucky girl!

So...I am feeling pretty good. My left ovary was a booger all throughout stims and after ER for about 3 or 4 days. Yesterday, I woke up feeling a little better, but still had that burning feeling. Today, I am at about 96%! The only bad thing is the bloating. It is getting better...but I look about 4 months pregnant right now. Yuck!! The only time I ever want to look like this again is when I am 4 months pregnant!

The 2 week wait is crap. It's been 2 days...I woke up thinking it was 3...then I counted. Only 2?? OMFG...how slow is this going to go? I was thinking about whether I would take a home pregnancy test before the blood test. I am torn because the blood test is on my birthday. I am visualizing a positive outcome, so it will be a great birthday present. But, on the other end, you know...

Anyway, I am still taking it easy in my recliner...probably get up to take a shower later. I just want to give my babies every chance to burrow in there! Because of my paralysis, I get muscle spasms in my legs, butt, and abs. The only thing that makes them stop is Percocet. It is a narcotic, so I stopped taking it when I began stims. I can deal with the pain of the spasms myself, but the ones in my abs got pretty bad yesterday. I visualized a ketchup bottle...when you squeeze, ketchup comes out. That scared me, so I called my RE and he said 1 Percocet every 4-6 hours is perfectly fine at this stage. It will not affect the babies. So, I took 1 yesterday and I didn't need another one, then I took another one late morning today. I'm a little reluctant to do it, but my babies need peace and quiet and that's what mommy is going to give them!

OK, my BFF is here with Subway! I bet my babies wish they had umbilical cords right now! Stick, and you'll get lots of good stuff!! OK, later guys!! Please keep praying for us!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Terrible 2 are back at home!

Transfer is done. It went pretty well...although the RE overfilled my bladder. Nuff said. Anyway, we transferred 2 good looking embryos.


I think they're cute...look like their daddy!

They gave us this pic of them, along with the petri dish they were fertilized in. Cool ideas for the baby book! I feel pretty good. I am resting at home giving my little ones a chance to implant. I am set for my beta on my birthday, April 16th...pure coincidence...it is exactly 2 weeks from today!

2 embryos were frozen today and the other 8 will hang out a couple more days to make sure that they are good enough quality to freeze. We will be getting a letter in the mail...how personal! LOL, I am off to do nothing!!

P.S. Pregnant Guy is on Oprah tomorrow...this ought to be interesting!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Dirty Dozen! (Part 2)

All 12 of my embryos are still alive and kickin!! I am so proud! The lab tech called today and said that they all look great and we are going ahead with a 3 day transfer. So, at 2:30pm tomorrow, I'm gonna go get knocked up!!

Today I am back to 100%. I haven't felt this good since I began stims, so it is nice to have a full day of feeling normal before transfer. So, I am up and moving...got caught up on laundry and shampooed the living room carpet! Now I'm off to shave my legs and paint my toenails. Gotta make a good first impression on my babies!!

Please pray for Steven and I.